From 13-14 February, the City if Bremen hosted the STARS final event. After 2.5 years, STARS – Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS – is about to end and this 2-day event was an opportunity to deliver the project’s final outcomes on the diffusion of car sharing in Europe and its implications and impacts on the future of mobility. Moreover, and as a city at the forefront of shared mobility with the integration of car sharing into urban renewal and new developments for many years, Bremen inherently appeared as the perfect place to welcome the STARS final event.
According to Marco Diana, STARS coordinator, it’s very important to understand “on the basis of local peculiarities, what are the sharing mobility models that best suit a given urban area and what are the policies to reach the highest benefits for citizens in order to promote more comfortable urban centers under the point of view of congestion and air quality, a fundamental topic of the public agenda in this period.”
STARS case studies in Belgium, Italy and Germany
Later on some STARS case studies were presented in Bremen: Frankfurt and Bremen itself for Germany, Brussels for Belgium, Milan and Turin for Italy. The analysis was made through questionnaires given to both users and non-users of car sharing services in order to outline an “identikit of the users, who seem to be more familiar to multimodality – just to make an example – and to the use of other sharing mobility forms, like bike sharing”, stated Andrea Chicco, the researcher who presented the Italian case studies. “Another interesting aspect resulting from the analysis is that car sharing is an incentive to an increase in using local public transport, especially where its infrastructure is wide and diffused.” Therefore, policies improving the efficiency and incentivising at the same time the public transport and car sharing services can be a win-win solution for cities like those analysed, both in terms of better public service and of reduction of pollutants and GHG emissions.
In some cases, as reported by the research team, meaningful effects are also observed in terms of car ownership. The relevance of these effects seems to depend on the car sharing models available: in Italy we find a majority of “free floating” services (most suitable for one-way trips) while in Northern Europe other solutions are widespread, like station-based services, attracting other types of users and boosting positive fallouts. This last point should inspire some thinking on which operational and business models to encourage. Such decisions will be further stimulated and guided by the final output of the project, a toolkit for policymakers in charge of mobility policies in large urban areas, which will be available from May onwards.
Sharing experiences from all over the world
In Bremen discussions and talks also highlighted experiences from other parts of the world such as Asia, North America and the motherland of car sharing: Switzerland. Participants get fresh insights and ideas on how car sharing can maximise benefits in terms of congestion mitigation, environmental footprint, social inclusion and opportunities for different industrial sectors: automotive, public transport, sharing mobility services, management of corporate fleets, digital platforms developers, real estate sector.
On Day 2, German-speaking mobility stakeholders were invited to a STARS dissemination workshop in German on the integration of car sharing into housing. This workshop showcased best practice examples of mobility management in neighbourhoods and housing developments.
STARS on the rise
- Car sharing at a glance in Europe by Marco Diana (Politecnico di Torino & STARS Coordinator)
What STARS tells you
- Impacts of car sharing variants – car ownership & mobility choices by Gunnar Nehrke (Bundesverband CarSharing e.V. & STARS partner)
- Italian case study results by Andrea Chicco (Politecnico di Torino & STARS Partner)
- German case study results by Rebecca Karbaumer (City of Bremen & STARS Partner)
The wide STARY sky-1
- Carsharing upscaling: practice and experience in Asia by Lewis Chen (Car sharing Association of Singapore)
The wide STARY sky-2
- A global perspective on car sharing by Luisiana Paganelli Silva (RMIT University – Melbourne)
The wide STARY sky-3
- Worldwide approach and experience from North America by Adam Cohen (University of California at Berkeley)
The wide STARY sky-4
- Switzerland, the motherland of car sharing: approach, experience & research results by Arnd Bätzner (Mobility Car Sharing Suisse) – Request for presentation
DAY 2 (in German)
- Recent developments at the car sharing market by Gunnar Nehrke (Bundesverband CarSharing e.V. & STARS partner)
- Legal framework and effects of the Bremen model by Michael Glotz-Richter (City of Bremen)
- Cooperation between housing industry and mobility provider by Cordula Fay (Federal Association of German Housing & Real Estate Companies)
- Praxis report from Munich by Markus Lange-Stuntebeck (StattAuto Munich)
- The „Stellwerk60“ project in Cologne Nippes by Hans-Georg Kleinmann (Nachbarn 60)
- Mobility and housing – examples from the Netherlands by Minze Walvius (Advier)
- Projects of Gewoba (Bremen) in existing and new buildings by Jörn Ehmke (Gewoba)
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