STARS – Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS – a 30-month European Horizon 2020 project.
Exploring car sharing in Europe: its diffusion, its connections with new technological and social innovations, and its impact on other transport modes.
Supporting European policymakers with guidelines and recommendations to implement environmentally-friendly and cost-effective car sharing services in European cities.
Not familiar with car sharing? Watch this video presenting STARS!
What is car sharing and how does it work?
Based on a simple principle: individuals gain the benefits of private car use without all the costs and responsabilities of ownership.
Operating in 33 countries (Europe being the largest car sharing region measured by membership), with more than 4,8 million members sharing over 104,000 vehicles (2016 Innovative Mobility Carsharing Outlook).
Roundtrip / Return car sharing: users pick up and return their shared vehicles at the same station location.
One-way car sharing: users can pick up a shared vehicle at one location and drop it off at another.
Free-floating car sharing: users locate and pick up a shared vehicle nearby via a smartphone app – there are no dedicated stations.
Peer-to-Peer car sharing: users pick up a vehicle from a private car owner.

PRESS RELEASE – STARS ends with key solutions to strengthen car sharing benefits in Europe
The European-funded Horizon 2020 STARS project, which stands for Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR ...
STARS final event in a German local newspaper
From 13-14 February, the City if Bremen hosted the STARS final event. Discussions and presentations about car sharing ...
STARS new publication
Titled “More friends than foes? The impact of automobility-as-a-service on the incumbent automotive ...
STARS Final Event in Bremen
From 13-14 February, the City if Bremen hosted the STARS final event. After 2.5 years, STARS – Shared mobility ...
Come to Bremen for the STARS final event!
Register now for the final event of the STARS project organised in Bremen (Germany), from 13-14 February: ...
STARS Factsheet n°1
The first factsheet produced in the STARS project is now available to read! This factsheet presents the results of ...
STARS Newsletter n°4
The 4th edition of the STARS newsletter is now available to read! Discover more about car sharing in Europe, its ...
Save the date for the final event of the STARS project!
Mark your calendar for the final event of the STARS project organised in Bremen (Germany), from 13-14 February: ...
There are no upcoming events at this time.