March 2018
Shared Mobility Rocks in Aalst (Belgium)
Save the date! Autodelen, one of the STARS partners organises the 'Shared Mobility Rocks' in Aaslt (Belgium), on the 21st of March. This international event will immerse the audience in a full program of keynotes, panel discussions and jam sessions, glued together seamlessly with solid rock songs. March 21 is 100% shared mobility. Because shared mobility becomes the sound of the coming years, and of the future, and is ready to pound the doors of our mobility. More than 25…
Find out more »January 2019
Save the date for the STARS car sharing expert workshop in Bremen!
The STARS project is happy to invite you to an expert workshop and a site visit on Thursday, 24 January 2019 in Bremen (Germany). This workshop - addressing researchers, policymakers, car sharing operators and transport experts - will inform about the recent STARS research on car sharing: A comparative study in Germany shows, that the impact of car sharing on car ownership and mobility behaviour differs strongly between car sharing variants (e.g. free-floating, roundtrip, peer-to-peer). These differences are related to…
Find out more »April 2019
STARS webinar: car sharing outlook in the EU
Join the first STARS webinar on Monday 8th of April, from 10:30 am to 12 pm! In this online session, you will get the latest project results plus an introduction of the STARS uptake cities. REGISTRATION Register by clicking here. AGENDA 10:30 - 10:35 Welcoming words & brief agenda overview Moderator: Marko Horvat 10:35 - 10:55 Uptake cities: Who you are and what is the car sharing situation in your city - in your own words (3 min max) 10:55 - 11:15…
Find out more »September 2019
STARS Webinar 2: Bringing car sharing into the European cities
Don’t miss the STARS webinar n°2 on Friday 20th of September, from 11 am to 12:30 pm! After examining the current status and available business models of car sharing in Europe in the first STARS webinar, this new online session will further discuss the STARS results from the perspective of local authorities. Local authorities have the power to influence car sharing through policies and stakeholder engagement. Thus, our speakers will address some of the important components of car sharing that could ease the implementation of car…
Find out more »October 2019
Shared Mobility Rocks 2019
Save the date! Autodelen, one of the STARS partners organises the 'Shared Mobility Rocks' in Brussels (Belgium), on the 8th of October 2019.
Find out more »Car Sharing Campout
Mark your calendar and register for the Car Sharing Campout organised in Paris, 14-15 October 2019! Today cities are facing an urgent demand to reduce the damaging impacts of transportation on both the environment and their citizens’ health. As they grapple with improving air quality, expanding green areas and reducing traffic congestion, car sharing is becoming an ever-important part of city sustainability plans. Organised as part of the STARS project, the Car Sharing Campout aims to tackle some of the challenges cities are facing in…
Find out more »February 2020
Learning from the STARS: Findings & the Future of Car Sharing in Europe
"Learning from the STARS: Findings & the Future of Car Sharing in Europe", the final event of the STARS project will be held in Bremen (Germany), from 13-14 February. After 2.5 years, STARS - Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS – is about to end and deliver its final outcomes on the diffusion of car sharing in Europe and its implications and impacts on the future of mobility. The project seeks to widen its horizon by linking to…
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