September 2019
New Mobility World
"Shaping the Future of Mobility and Transport across Industries" Since 2015, New Mobility World (NMW) brings together the pioneers, decision makers and creators of automation, connectivity, clean and sustainable mobility, mobility as a service and smart cities.
Find out more »October 2019
CIVITAS Forum 2019
The CIVITAS Forum Conference 2019 will be held in Graz (Austria), from 2-4 October 2019. The 17th Europe's top sustainable mobility event will once again bring together the CIVITAS community from across Europe and beyond. The choice of Graz as the location for 2019 marks something of a homecoming - the very first Forum took place there in 2003. A little bit about Graz Graz is Austria's second largest city and the capital of the Styria region. It has a…
Find out more »Shared Mobility Rocks 2019
Save the date! Autodelen, one of the STARS partners organises the 'Shared Mobility Rocks' in Brussels (Belgium), on the 8th of October 2019.
Find out more »AUTONOMY & The Urban Mobility Summit
Taking place on October 16 & 17 at the Grande Halle de la Villette in Paris, Autonomy is THE international event for sustainable mobility solutions. This year, the exhibition is dedicated to urban mobility professionals and will bring together public and private decision-makers from all around the world. The goal of Autonomy is to support the transition to intelligent and sustainable mobility by creating bridges between innovative companies that create mobility solutions adapted to contemporary challenges, and institutional and private…
Find out more »November 2019
Workshop on car sharing organised in Belgium
How can car sharing maximally contribute to a more efficient use of materials and a better environment? Which barriers at the side of the users need to be overcome? This workshop will take place on November 7 in Leuven (Belgium), and it is the last phase of an extensive research project on car sharing conducted in the Circular Economy Policy Research Center, an academic consortium with the mission to provide scientific underpinning for making the transition to a circular economy happen…
Find out more »Smart City Expo & Smart Mobility Congress in Barcelona
Taking place in Barcelona, from 19-21 November 2019, this edition of Smart City Expo and Smart Mobility Congress is a great opportunity to in-depth debates on essential topics such as mobility, digital transformation, urban environment, governance and finance, and inclusive and sharing cities. COMING UP IN THE 2019 SMART MOBILITY CONGRESS The scourge of traffic is still a major concern which takes the biggest economic toll on the largest, most economically vibrant cities. In the US alone, congestion cost…
Find out more »Paris City Life: Bougeons la ville! Quelles mobilités demain?
De nouveaux modes de déplacement, multi-modaux, personnalisés et partagés, des véhicules futuristes, une expérience usager améliorée, mais aussi des modes de vie, de travail et de consommation innovants, des projets phares autour du périphérique, des JO, du Grand Paris express…autant de mutations qui auront un impact sur nos façons de nous déplacer et d’approvisionner, dans et autour du Paris de demain. A la clé, les acteurs des transports, des constructeurs automobiles aux autorités organisatrices en passant par les opérateurs de…
Find out more »2019 Annual POLIS Conference
The Polis Annual Conference provides an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners and decision-makers. It is also an opportunity for the wider transport community to engage with representatives of city and regional authorities on innovative transport solutions. The 2019 Annual Polis conference will take in Brussels on 27 and 28 November.
Find out more »December 2019
H2020RTR European Conference – 3d Edition
The 3d edition of our H2020RTR conference is now open for registration! Over 2 full days, the H2020 projects invited to join the 2019 conference will present to you what they have discovered, how they tackled the hurdles and resolved them and what are the next research steps in the fields covered by their activities. Like the previous editions, the projects have been picked in various areas: Green Vehicles, Urban Mobility, Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Safety, Automated Road Transport … to get a holistic…
Find out more »June 2020
Taking place in Amsterdam, from 24-25 June 2020, Impact>Mobility, by Reuters Events will bring together CEOs, mayors, transportation and city leaders, innovators and disruptors, to find a win-win between the sustainability aims of the public sector and the commercially driven private sector. Build partnerships and move towards a scalable model for mobility as a service. Mobility as a Service is set to revolutionise the sustainability efficiency and convenience of transportation systems. However, to make this a reality it is imperative that public and…
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