First STARS webinar on car sharing outlook in EU

The first STARS webinar took place on Monday 8th of April, from 10:30 am to 12 pm. 

It gathered 23 participants, out of which representatives of 5 “Uptake cities” that follow the STARS project and that will explore the car sharing as a mobility option in their cities:

  • Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
  • Oradea (Romania)
  • Sofia (Bulgaria)
  • Warsaw (Poland)
  • Budapest (Hungary)

“Uptake cities” were given a 20 min slot in total to present who they are and what is the mobility situation in their cities, especially their experience with car sharing.

The webinar was moderated by Marko Horvat (ICLEI European Secretariat) and the project results were presented in the following order:

  • Typologies and characteristics of car sharing in Europe, presented by Johannes Rodenbach (
  • Car sharing business models and impacts on the automotive industry, by Suzi Maurice (LGI Consulting)
  • Socioeconomic factors of different car sharing category users, by Cecilia J. Bergstad (University of Gothenburg)

Then, Marco Diana (Politecnico di Torino), the STARS project coordinator, gave an overview of the project.

During the webinar, participants were invited to ask questions directly after each presentation slot. These are the questions addressed from the audience:

Do you know of any comparative study on car sharing in Central & Eastern Europe countries?


Why wasn’t a company “Move about” mentioned in the presentations?


Watch the STARS webinar





Funded by the European Commission and standing for “Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS”, STARS will bring together experts from the transport engineering, environmental psychology, and industrial economics fields.

During 30 months, STARS partners will adopt a co-modality approach, considering the real effects of car sharing on other travel modes, the (new) travel demand, and the mobility needs of European citizens. The new aspect of STARS lies in the studies on the implications and impacts of car sharing, rather than on the implementation of the system itself, as it has been done before.

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